Do you want to have a pop-up form appear on your website? Whether it’s encouraging visitors to schedule a meeting or download an e-book, Sumo is a great option to consider when creating pop-ups.
Log into your Twenty Over Ten account
In a separate tab, log into
In, click “Add New Site” and type in your website’s URL
Copy the code from that’s provided to you
Return to your Twenty Over Ten account and click on the site settings button in the lower left
Open the advanced panel and toggle on Developer Mode
Scroll down to the black box titled Header Code Inject
Paste your code from into that box. Please note that if there is any code in there already, you will want to scroll to the last character in that box and enter your new code after the last character of the last line of the existing code.
Save your changes and then return to
Create your pop-up at
Return to your Twenty Over Ten account and refresh your browser to preview the pop-up form
Publish to have the pop-up form appear on your live website