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Email Analytics: Opens & Clicks
Email Analytics: Opens & Clicks

This article explains Lead Pilot's opens and clicks from email along with any limitations.

Updated over a week ago

Clients like to track how their email recipients interact with their messages, such as how many times they open an email or click within that email. Pulling this information together, it can help determine how interested contacts or leads are in your company. It could potentially indicate where you should focus your marketing efforts!

Opens and clicks are ideally tracked when your email recipients interact with the emailed content. There are some reasons why the opens, and clicks analytics could not populate as expected. A slow connection, spam filters, firewalls, junk folders, and not downloading the tracking pixel impacts email statistics and their calculations.

For example, an email recipient can see the email’s content using the preview pane (available in most email clients); however, this action does not download images. This will impact that email’s open rate. An email recipient would need to download images to allow the tracking GIF to load and count as an "open". The email analytics would reflect zero opens with one (or more) click. This scenario replays throughout the email marketing industry.

Where to Find Opens and Clicks Within Lead Pilot

Within in Lead Pilot, once an email has been shared, the analytics become available as email recipients interact with it. You can access these analytics by going to Content, then with the Shared menu, and clicking on the envelope icon for details.

To view a particular contact's history of content interaction, see more info here.

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