Integrating with Wealthbox

Connecting Lead Pilot to Wealthbox

Updated over a week ago

To connect your Wealthbox account to Lead Pilot, please follow these instructions below:

1. Hover over your user icon and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu:

2. Click "Manage Integrations":

3. Click "Configure" beneath Wealthbox:

4. Click "Connect":

5. Provide the Wealthbox token that you created for Lead Pilot in your Wealthbox API Settings:

If you're not sure how to create the access token, please read Wealthbox's help article before visiting

6. Toggle "Add New Leads" on to have your landing page subscribe form send new contacts to Wealthbox in addition to Lead Pilot:

7. Toggle "Auto-import" on to have new Wealthbox contacts added to Lead Pilot daily:

8. Click "Import Now" to manually import new Wealthbox contacts into Lead Pilot:

9. Click "Back" to return to your Lead Pilot settings.

Want more information about Wealthbox, see this webinar! Having issues integrating your Wealthbox with Lead Pilot? Contact their support or reach out to us at!

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